Genetic Computer School views feedback as an important integral process for continual improvement to our student administration processes, teaching and learning delivery standards, facilities and infrastructures as well as the quality in our student support services.

The evaluation shall be administered in an open and transparent manner to give all students an opportunity to provide constructive feedback on teaching, learning and assessment strategies and other academic / non-academic matters. All feedback will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

A representative from Standard Survey Committee will administer the survey and students will be informed on the dates and/or frequencies.

  1. Student Satisfaction Survye
  2. Course Evaluation Survey
  3. Graduate Employment Survey
  4. Teacher’s Evaluation by the Students
  5. Module Evaluation by the Students
  6. Pre-Course Counselling Survey
  7. Communication Survey
  8. Student Engagement Survey
  9. Post-Event Satisfaction Survey
  10. Agent-Student Satisfaction Feedback