1.Students are encouraged to communicate actively with Genetic Computer School through the following channels:

  • Face-to-Face
  • Telephone Call at 6339-7588
  • E-mail at feedback@genetic.edu.sg
  • Feedback and complaint form from the reception area and/or in the website at https://www.genetic.edu.sg/form-downloads/
  • Course Evaluation
  • End-of Module Evaluation (Module, Teachers)
  • Student Satisfaction Survey

2. Upon receipt of the Positive or Negative feedback, Genetic Computer School will acknowledge within the 3 working days. The feedback and complaint will be recorded in the central log http://kms.gcsdesktop.com or Feedback Log Book.

3. All feedback will be strictly considered as private and confidential.

4. All feedback and complaints shall be resolved within 21 working days.