Attendance is a requirement to meet regulatory and course requirements.

The Admin Manager will be responsible for administering/handling students with attendance issues.

The attendance policy of GCS is as follows:

  1. Attendance requirements by ICA for student pass holders must be at least 90%
  2. Attendance requirements for all other students who do not require ICA’s student pass must be at least 75%
  3. Attendance requirements for sitting assessments, graduation and awards must be at least 75% and 90% for STP students
  4. Application and approval for a leave of absence and
  5. For absenteeism based on medical grounds, a medical certificate must be presented and issued by certified general practitioners, polyclinics, or hospitals as proof of absence.

All students will be informed of the Attendance requirement during Pre-Course Counselling, in Student Handbook, Orientation and published on GCS’s website.

Intervention measures to help students with poor conduct or attendance:

Depending on the issue, appropriate intervention measures will be taken for a student with attendance or disciplinary issues.

a. If the student is absent for 3 consecutive days, the Admin Manager calls the students to found out the reason for absenteeism.

b. If the reason provided is not valid, the Admin Manager will send the first warning letter.

c. The Programme Director/Admin Manager continues monitoring the situation with the student after issuing the first warning letter.

d. If in case where the student continues to be absent for 5 consecutive days, the Admin Manager issues the second warning letter and inform Principal/Appointed counsellor to arrange for counselling. The Principal/Appointed Counsellor will fill up the student counselling form and let the student acknowledge it. If follow-up needed, it has to be stipulated in the form also.

e. If STP student is absent for 7 consecutive days without valid reason and are unreachable, the Admin Manager will send the final warning letter, inform the Principal and ICA for pass cancellation.

f. If the monthly attendance percentage of STP student falls below 90%, the Admin Manager will also notify the ICA.

g. For local (non-STP) students to be absent without giving valid reasons, reminders is issued advising them to maintain at least 75% attendance. The Admin Manager continues calling and emailing the students to report for class and where necessary, to attend counselling sessions for any difficulties they may be facing. However, the second (2nd) warning letter is issued and to arrange counselling with the Principal if any student remains unreachable (5 consecutive days).

h. In the monthly Academic Department meeting, the Programme Director and the assigned lecturer will discuss with all the members if there are any issues on the attendance of the students. The Academic Department will provide the corrective actions/disciplinary actions/intervention measures.