Students to take note when requesting for Resit:

1. No re-sitting is permitted for students who wish to improve the attained mark of a particular Module.

2. Students to register for re-sitting within one (1) week upon the release of the result slip.

3. All re-sitting will be processed and arranged immediately or before the next semester starts. It is a must for students to re-sit the failed module(s) on the dates advised by the Manager of Admin/SAE.

4. Genetic Computer School will not provide revision and/or tutorial for students who request for re-sitting. If needed, then the student shall request for a re-module.

5. If the failed modules are equal or greater than 50% of the total number of modules in the semester and did not register within one (1) week upon the release of the result slip, the students will be advised to do re-module.

6. If the total number of failed modules is equal or greater than 50% of the total number of modules of the course, the students will be advised to do re-module or enroll the entire course again. If the student does not request for re-module, the students will be barred to take the examination and are deemed withdrawn/terminated from the course.

7. The marks for the Resit module will not be more than 60.